Monday, November 10, 2008

Emotional Intelligence EQ and Religion

Religion stands as one of the most profoundly influential structures of man's creation. It endures despite its obvious lack of evidence or rational foundation. Its survival doesn't require reason or logic. It is based solely and completely in our emotions. Trying to reason people away from the nonsense of religion is unlikely to work because its core isn't in logic but rather its roots are buried in the nutrient rich soil of our emotions. We may logically know there is no God (a heavenly father) there protecting and guiding our steps through life but emotionally we feel his presence. We may find that our sense of ourselves as a person our very identity is bound up in our concepts of God and our "relationship" with him. To purge God would require a cherished aspect of our very nature as a person. And for a person who has spent a lifetime dedicated to building up and internalizing this God aspect of our identity abandoning God is inconceivable. We seem to be able to compartmentalize our thoughts and internally resolve conflicting between these domains even when we know that our concept of God and Scriptures don't conform to our scientific understanding of the world. How is that? How do we do that?

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