Thursday, December 25, 2008

The God Brand

In claiming that he was on a mission from God, Bush was using the God Brand. For millions of believers around the world the God Brand is easily recognized and accepted on its face value. American leaders consciously use the God Brand whenever they make it clear that they believe in God. And in some states there are laws prohibiting atheists from seeking certain political positions in local governments.

Would Bush or any politician dare stand in front of an image of Satan and declare that he was on a mission from the devil?

God is associated with goodness, love, mercy, justice, freedom, morality, family, etc. So politicians try to create an idealized image of themselves centered on principles that voters associate with the God Brand. Being successful at this can go a long way in the US toward reaching fund raising goals and garnering predictable support from the religious right and perhaps religious moderates.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Emotional Intelligence EQ and Religion

Religion stands as one of the most profoundly influential structures of man's creation. It endures despite its obvious lack of evidence or rational foundation. Its survival doesn't require reason or logic. It is based solely and completely in our emotions. Trying to reason people away from the nonsense of religion is unlikely to work because its core isn't in logic but rather its roots are buried in the nutrient rich soil of our emotions. We may logically know there is no God (a heavenly father) there protecting and guiding our steps through life but emotionally we feel his presence. We may find that our sense of ourselves as a person our very identity is bound up in our concepts of God and our "relationship" with him. To purge God would require a cherished aspect of our very nature as a person. And for a person who has spent a lifetime dedicated to building up and internalizing this God aspect of our identity abandoning God is inconceivable. We seem to be able to compartmentalize our thoughts and internally resolve conflicting between these domains even when we know that our concept of God and Scriptures don't conform to our scientific understanding of the world. How is that? How do we do that?

It is Time to Hold Ideology Responsible

Sunday, November 9, 2008


The Brights promote a naturalistic world view free from the outdated and limited authoritarian world views promoted by religions.

The Brights movement has three major aims.

  1. Promote public understanding and acknowledgment of the naturalistic worldview, which is free of supernatural and mystical elements.
  2. Gain public recognition that persons who hold such a worldview can bring principled actions to bear on matters of civic importance.
  3. Educate society toward accepting the full and equitable civic participation of all such people.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Depending on Grace

Catholics believe in the forgiveness of sins. In fact, they depend on it, as delivered from the only legitimate source the Catholic church. God creates us with the taint of Adam's original sin. To have a shot at salvation at the time of death one must first be baptized. Then, after baptism, one has to adhere to a minimum level of conformity to avoid excommunication. A Catholic is required to make a good confession and receive the Eucharist at least once a year at Easter time. They call this the Easter duty. The real trick to getting into heaven, though, is to be in a state of grace at the time of death. So, depending on how scared a Catholic is of eternal damnation, they will make an effort to stay in a state of grace as much as possible. According to Catholics there are two types of sin; venial and mortal. Mortal sins are serious sins while venial sins are less serious. If a Catholic commits a mortal sin like murder then the soul is marked as impure and God will cast the soul into hell for eternity but only if the person dies before going to confession. Confession is called a sacrament. A Catholic priest will listen to parishioners confession of sins in secrecy. If the penitent (the person seeking forgiveness) has made a good act of contrition, that is, if the sinner has vowed not to commit the sin again then the priest can forgive the sinner and restore the soul to a pure state by wiping the soul clean with absolution and thereby remove the black mark of sin, and return the person to a state of grace so that God will find him worthy of entering heaven at the time of death. So, Catholics are taught it is possible to play the odds a bit. If you are young and healthy and you are a bit of a gambler you could theoretically get away with murder and still go to heaven if you get to confession in a timely manner after committing mortal sins. Although, this is highly discouraged, priest admit it is quite possible that a thoroughly evil person could at the last moments of life repent his sins and make it into heaven. It is little wonder that the Catholic church has such strong appeal to its followers.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Breaking the Spell

In Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon, Daniel Dennett specifically challenges his readers to find ways to use science to combat what he calls "toxic religion." In addition to past holy wars, inquisitions, persecutions, "and all the wretched abuses of superstition and theocracy," toxic religion currently threatens secular society by seeking to control our "moral" behavior-denying access to contraception while outlawing termination of pregnancy, criminalizing sexual acts between consenting adults, banning stem cell research, refusing the terminally ill access to assisted death, preventing inoculation of young girls against cervical cancer, and degrading science education with religious doctrine. Dennett's central policy recommendation is that we-and by "we" he is certainly addressing humanists-educate the people of the world, both gently and firmly "so that they can make truly informed choices about their lives."

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Unmasking Anonymous - New Humanist

Guy Fawkes masks, Rick Astley tunes, bizarre chants involving KFC... Not what you expect to see and hear at a credible protest, but could the masked ranks of Anonymous actually be serious in their efforts to bring down the Church of Scientology?

Paul Sims and Christina Martin went along to one of their London protests and produced New Humanist's first ever podcast. Have a listen, and then sign up to our RSS feed, ensuring you'll never miss our future podcasts.

Also, read Paul's account of the protest from the new issue.

Could Anonymous be the model to emulate to bring down the worst of the Christian fundamentalists?

See The New Humanist online magazine for free thinkers - Here -

The Evangelical Atheist

Evangelical Atheists are now getting organized to help mankind get over their addition to religion.

Testable Truth

We live in an age of unfathomably rapid change. Mankind is capable of the most astounding degrees of cooperation. People willingly share their energy and intelligence, directing it toward accomplishing goals and for no other apparent motive than to participate.

Open source software, wikipedia, and the creative commons are just a few examples of this phenomena. Are people becoming more altruistic? More community oriented? Participants in the open source community are sure to have a wide range of complex motives for participating. A desire to learn computer technology, programming, project management, etc. And participants can use their contribution as an example of their demonstrable ability if they later seek employment. Participation is of value to the individual, in and of itself.

The Internet is like a huge living brain with capacities beyond those of any of the industrialized nations today. And it is growing and maturing rapidly.

Our minds need occupation. In the past people occupied their minds with myths and magic for our knowledge of the real world was very limited. People once argued vehemently about the number of angels that could dance on the head of a pin. Whether Thomas Aquinas participated in such arguments is uncertain. Perhaps this type of debate was just an exercise used merely to develop rhetorical skills; no one knows for sure. What is true is that the history of religion is tumultuous and violent. It has been said that more people have been killed in the name of God than for any other reason. The sanction of God has been used as a moral support by opposing forces in nearly every war fought throughout history.

Religious scriptures lend themselves readily to interpretive manipulations. The bible can support both sides of any argument be there a need to do so. Preachers, ministers and priests are masters of such manipulations, all designed to control the malleable minds of their flock.

Today it is not enough that a few are trained to think logically and be able to argue effectively on important issues. Education in this age of rapid change demands that people develop their skills to think and argue effectively. The welfare of all mankind could be at risk. As the number of educated thinkers expands the power of the mental manipulators will diminish.

The message is this. Teach others to recognize logically empty arguments for what they are. This will protect people from the viral messages of fear and hatred that are being maliciously spread via religion and the media.

Truth and logic are testable. The future of mankind is brighter now that the Internet offers a method for mankind to break the spell, the spell of religion that has so entranced and bound the mind of man in the chains of darkness.

Turn to the Brights for liberation from the slavery of religious madness.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Whose to Judge

Why is it that intelligent, well informed people make bad choices? Some people who know and understand that smoking damages their health, continue to smoke. Patients who don't follow medical advice are labeled non-compliant. They are resistant to positive change. The addictiveness of nicotine is well understood yet many people manage to quit smoking in spite the difficulties. One could argue that although resistant people can repeat back the well known hazards of smoking they seem to have dissociated themselves in some way from the risks, as if they are stating smoking is dangerous, true but the rules don't really apply to them. Yes, people get sick and die of cancer, but it doesn't happen to everyone, therefore it won't happen to me. This is a kind of magical thinking. Smoking causes a variety of harmful effects on the body not just cancer. But those things are not significant in the magical mind of the resistant person. Logic is over-ruled by an irrational feeling of confidence that they are immune to the consequences of smoking.

The individual is not always the best judge of what is good or not good for himself. Parents often take control when they see their child is in the midst of making a bad choice. Its natural. As adults the individual's rights prevail, as they should. But not all adults are capable of making rational choices. Families who see a family member involved in self-destructive behavior will sometimes intervene in their behave. Interventions of this sort have saved many lives and helped to get a love one back on track.

In our culture today there is often little sense of community. We are all own our own. We are atomized in a cruel and unforgiving world. Some of us turn to religion to satisfy our tribal instinct. And it works. Not for all, perhaps, but for many. The benefits are real. Some research indicates that belonging to a community enhances physical and mental health. The bonds of friendship with people who hold similar values run deep. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of those close bonds between people. Life is full of trials and tribulations, having caring and compassionate friends to turn to in times of need is a tremendous solace to a troubled soul. Religious communities provide very real and important benefits to their members. To ask or demand that people give up their community is not good. People who want to tare down religion must recognize, that to succeed, there must be a replacement community to satisfy those tribal needs that many people have.

Religions are inherently dangerous. Although some people find peace and an improved mental stability, other do not. Some people cannot cope with the emotional turmoil that religions cast upon them. Some suffer overwhelming emotions of fear, guilt and shame when exposed to certain form of caustic religious practices. Suicide is not an uncommon result of religious pressure impinging upon a mentally unstable person.

Each religion offers a illogical but irrefutable brand of dogma; each different than another. It is common that religions vie for members, money and political influence. They present themselves as being the one, true correct religion while claiming to be tolerant of other faiths, internally they aren't. Some are very aggressive and use illegal and immoral tactics to achieve their goals.

All religions claim to benefit mankind. And their is evidence to support their claims. But no religion is perfect and they are all based of irrational contradictory dogma. Each religion is harmful in some way. The only way to improve religion is to take off the kid gloves and engage in open criticism and dialog. Challenge beliefs. Suggest ways to improve and make religion evolve.

It is time for an intervention. Show some compassion to your fellow man. Reach out to those who are caught up in religion that has remained in the dark ages. There are people in jeopardy, who are being abused, who need help now. Their welfare, and indeed, the welfare of mankind may well be at risk for some religions are not just toxic, they may be breeding a new generation of terrorists who might just catapult the world into World War III.