Sunday, September 14, 2008

Testable Truth

We live in an age of unfathomably rapid change. Mankind is capable of the most astounding degrees of cooperation. People willingly share their energy and intelligence, directing it toward accomplishing goals and for no other apparent motive than to participate.

Open source software, wikipedia, and the creative commons are just a few examples of this phenomena. Are people becoming more altruistic? More community oriented? Participants in the open source community are sure to have a wide range of complex motives for participating. A desire to learn computer technology, programming, project management, etc. And participants can use their contribution as an example of their demonstrable ability if they later seek employment. Participation is of value to the individual, in and of itself.

The Internet is like a huge living brain with capacities beyond those of any of the industrialized nations today. And it is growing and maturing rapidly.

Our minds need occupation. In the past people occupied their minds with myths and magic for our knowledge of the real world was very limited. People once argued vehemently about the number of angels that could dance on the head of a pin. Whether Thomas Aquinas participated in such arguments is uncertain. Perhaps this type of debate was just an exercise used merely to develop rhetorical skills; no one knows for sure. What is true is that the history of religion is tumultuous and violent. It has been said that more people have been killed in the name of God than for any other reason. The sanction of God has been used as a moral support by opposing forces in nearly every war fought throughout history.

Religious scriptures lend themselves readily to interpretive manipulations. The bible can support both sides of any argument be there a need to do so. Preachers, ministers and priests are masters of such manipulations, all designed to control the malleable minds of their flock.

Today it is not enough that a few are trained to think logically and be able to argue effectively on important issues. Education in this age of rapid change demands that people develop their skills to think and argue effectively. The welfare of all mankind could be at risk. As the number of educated thinkers expands the power of the mental manipulators will diminish.

The message is this. Teach others to recognize logically empty arguments for what they are. This will protect people from the viral messages of fear and hatred that are being maliciously spread via religion and the media.

Truth and logic are testable. The future of mankind is brighter now that the Internet offers a method for mankind to break the spell, the spell of religion that has so entranced and bound the mind of man in the chains of darkness.

Turn to the Brights for liberation from the slavery of religious madness.

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